1 Jan 2011 or 1-1-11, the whole world are joyous in welcoming the whole new 2011, the fresh start of another decade. What's the story about this upcoming ten years ? Surely Euro 2012 (Ukraine & Poland), FIFA World Cup 2014 & 2018 (in Brazil and Russia respectively) and last but not least, the Malaysia by year 2020 are among the few things that really excite me.
While people are busy making their new year resolution and hoping for the best to come this year, I just couldn't think of any resolution specifically for this 2011. However, I do have set a mission and a theme for this year instead of resolutions.
Theme 2011 - Start NOW, Act NOW, Connect NOW
NOW is the keyword here. I am a visionary man who have several plans or blueprints in my mind to pave way for myself in achieving the goals I have set. After the fruitful MOV10' and LLP 10', I am sure and it must be now, beginning from this semester, this year that I am going to give extra efforts in converting those plans into TANGIBLE achievements. Again I have to stress that this is the work I must start NOW not weeks later nor after the end of the current semester nor the next year.
This is a project which need a lot of investments and sacrifices especially in term of time. There is no ending for it. Nevertheless, it will be executed in phases and KPI or objectives will be set for each phase to analyse and conclude the progress of the project. In short, the project can be described as a huge long bridge joining this solid ground where my feet lay and the dreamland of FIG which I anticipate. Since the construction plan of this magnificent bridge is now available, it's now my duty to construct it bit by bit, block by block steadily and patiently. The journey kick-starts when I am a 21 year old lad and hopefully I could reach the other side by my 40's if not 30's. Everything seem so untouchable, unreachable and stupid according to some of my friends and family. Yet deep in my heart, I know they are wrong and I am extremely confident and passionate to make it nothing but huge immeasurable success.
This semester, I will start my second business and during the semester break, I will seek for a job not for the money or salary it offers but the experience and values I can get from it. That is the way how I start. The previous working experience at the Empire Garment was really great and I expect to obtain a similar 'input-ful' experience this term. Besides, I will attend seminars, conferences or courses which are beneficial to me.
In the context of law, an individual of age 21 year old is considered mature (or old enough =.=) to make his own decision and is no longer under the control of his parents. He is 'Merdeka'. Although there are still months to go before I am officially declared as 21, I have now chosen the life of my own. I am ready to take the responsibility to decide my future, choose my way and set the direction of my life.
I see the route ahead and I know where my destination is.
It is not easy and of course it is not smooth either.
As I walk, I will come across junctions, holes, stumbling rocks and etc.
Risks, failures and challenges are inevitable.
Rise and fall...
But even if the whole world are doubting me,
I have faith in myself.
I will definitely success !
I will be a superb entrepreneur !
2011, here I go, here I start !
Salute, I.M. FOONG !!
"When people are hoping, I don't. I create hope and make it a reality."
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